19 February 2007

Sure. But does he get an immunity idol?

Have you seen Man Vs. Wild?

This guy? Bear Grylls? He's INSANE.

And it's kind of addictive.

From their website, linked above:

In each episode of Man vs. Wild Bear strands himself in popular wilderness destinations where tourists often find themselves lost or in danger. As he finds his way back to civilization, he demonstrates local survival techniques, including escaping quicksand in the Moab Desert, navigating dangerous jungle rivers in Costa Rica, crossing ravines in the Alps and surviving sharks off Hawaii.

What they don't tell you is that he goes into these crazy situations with only the clothes on his back, a big ass knife, and a flint. Sometimes. Sometimes he doesn't even have the flint. And he did get mostly naked in an episode about the Alaskan glaciers (which he charmingly pronounces "glass-yurs")(oh, how I love the Brits).

Discovery was running a marathon last night and I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I watched four hours of Bear working his way out of danger. He's kind of like MacGyver. Only he eats raw fish and doesn't carry duct tape. (Mac, as we all know, would use the flint to start a fire, over which he would cook the salmon in a sauce pan made from bark and lined with that omnipresent tape.)(In this respect, I find MacGyver to be a much saner individual.)(I was right with Bear until he bit into that still squirming salmon.)(EW. With a capital EW.)

Right. So the point of the show is allegedly to help wayward tourists like you and me survive being trapped in the wilderness and, along the way, Mr. Grylls gives hints and tips. Things like "Don't grab at branches in the jungle. They might be snakes." and "Test the snow on the mountain side with your ski pole so you know when you're about to die in an avalanche." And some more specific things--like the name of a tree in the Costa Rican jungle whose sap will allegedly cure an upset stomach. (Unfortunately, I forgot said name and now I will be forced to carry Rolaids when I parachute out of a helicopter into the wilds of South America.)

What shocked me most about the show was how very cavalier he is about getting wet. Even on an Alaskan glacier, the intrepid Bear had no compunctions about dousing himself by jumping into waterfalls or sliding down ice tunnels. Me? I get hypothermia if I spend too much time reading in the bathtub. And in Costa Rica? Same thing. He's wading through tributaries and splashing about in mangroves and I'm on my couch shouting OMG. CARNIVOROUS SNAKES. AND CROCS. AND PIRANHA. Not to mention the leeches. The jungle rot. Or those wee little fishies that like to swim up into your private parts.

After four episodes, my husband put his foot down and forced me to change the channel. I think he got tired of listening to me saying "Oh my god! This man is CRAZY!" But, secretly, I am so going to find out the regular air time of this show and record it. Crack like this is best held for Sunday afternoon binges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This totally sounds like something Rob would watch. Ye gods and little fishes. Only not the ones that swim into your privates. Because those just give me the willies.