03 March 2006

first and foremost

I have been trying to come up with the PerfectWay(tm) to introduce myself and I keep floundering between a bulleted list and a brief retelling of my life story.

How's this for a compromise?

I am: thirty-something, jaded with bouts of severe optimism, and a sincere fan of words used well.

Other adjectives that describe me are: tall(ish). horsey. insolent. irreverent. impertinent. impenitent. (occasionally) witty. rarely poetic.

I have: a perpetual jones for tea. a lot of animals. a bum knee. a fireman for a husband.

It means ecileh is my name spelled backwards. someone else had already claimed helice. (wtf? don't i get first choice?)

This is: a blog. (duh)

My Life Story: is unfolding.

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