15 March 2006

Monday in Disguise

When a recent trip to California was cancelled at the last minute, I decided to take some of the vacation time allotted and just chill out at home instead. Consequently, this morning was the first time my body had seen the back-side of 10am in about a week.

The injustice of this was compounded by two factors:

1. The weather. Monday, it was 65 and sunny. This morning, it was 27 and snowing.

2. My car. I got in this morning, turned on the engine, and craned around to grab the box of tissues from behind the driver's seat. My car, Chloe, decided to make her opinions known by collapsing the driver's seat into a fully reclined position. And getting stuck there.

Here is where I should mention the fact that there is no handle to induce reclining (reclination?) on the driver's side of my car. (Rightly so, the Subaru engineers decided that drivers should be fully upright and locked into position while behind the wheel.) This means that I have no means of releasing the lock on the position--thus making my car about as user-friendly as, oh...a concrete canoe.

If I were the superstitious sort, I could easily be convinced that this was a sign from God indicating that I should have just gone back to bed.

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