27 November 2006

out of the mouths of babes

I spent Thanksgiving weekend with two of my three neices and one of my three nephews.

Here's a brief list of quotes that I gathered from Julia, age four. (This kid cracks me up.)

Julia: You shouldn't talk about butts in front of people.

Julia: Is that supposed to be a pig? Because it looks like a duck.

Julia: I'm a funny kid. God made me that way. Do you know God?
Me: I haven't met him personally. Have you?
Julia: No. But I've seen him on video.

Julia: Daddy, you should eat fruit because it's healthy and good for you.
Daddy: I only eat fruit when you are watching me.
Julia: Then I'm going to watch you all the time!

Nana: I'm thinking that if we turn on the Christmas trees, we can't use the word stinky anymore.

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